London based Gerry Defries is represented by Agora Gallery, New York, Jelmoni Studio Gallery, Milan and MacGregor Fine Art, Glasgow. He discovered his interest in painting around 15 years ago, primarily as a relief from the stress of his professional life. After attending the Hampstead School of Art for some 12 years he has painted in all mediums and now favours painting in acrylics on canvas. He has developed his own style and often finds inspiration from the sea. A love for sailing is a common factor in several of his pieces. He has painted in Europe and the Caribbean and his paintings have been sold to British, European, American and Canadian clients. Gerry has had several solo and group exhibitions. Gerry also has a number of permanent exhibitions across London including at Ballards Gallery, 311 Ballards Lane, N12 8LY. Read Gerry's profile in ArtisSpectrum Magazine: